Hey everyone! Today I am interviewing S.R. Johannes (Shelli), author of the newly released book Untraceable! Let's get started!
Okay, Shelli, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I have am MBA in marketing
and worked in corporate America for over 15 years doing marketing,
communication, and training. I walked off the job in 2006 and have been doing
freelance marketing ever since. I own my own marketing company and have worked
with Spanx and Goody Hair. I have a hubby from England, 2 kids and a
Goldendoodle. I’m actually very boring, which is probably why I write
thrillers :) I love being at home, doing yoga, reading and playing with my kids. That’s my
So how long have you been writing?
(Author S.R. Johannes) |
I started right after I
had my daughter in 2004. I always say she sat on something. I think since I had
4 months off maternity leave – I started writing while she was napping and
couldn’t stop. I hadn’t written much before that. But when I was little I used
to write all the time. IN 2006 I left my corporate job and started freelancing
in copywriting and marketing. From there I started my own business where I
could take the jobs I wanted while writing. It’s the best of both worlds.
Can you tell us more about your book Untraceable?
It's a wilderness thriller with a missing person, a kick-butt heroine, and of course - two hot boys :) what else do you need? Besides Moon Pies.
What was your inspiration for this thrilling romp through the wilderness?
My hubby came home from camping and said “I was so deep in the woods,
someone could do something bad and get away with it.” That planted the seed
until I visited the bear pits in Cherokee. I just put those two things
wanted to create a contemporary thriller. I loved James Patterson growing up
and there are very few young adult thrillers out there that aren’t paranormal
or dystopic. I wanted to create a “stay up late and read” sort of book with a
strong girl character who could take care of herself in the real world with no
magic or special powers.
What were the difficulties you had to overcome while
writing it?
No one else believed in this book. My agent wanted me to shelf it. A
publisher wanted me to make it dystopic. So my agent and I parted and I went
off on my own. Something inside me needed this book out there.
Did you get published through a publisher or self
I self-published. But
I worked very hard to make sure it was of a high quality so you could not tell
by looking or reading. Self-pubbing has a tough stigma so I wanted to set
myself apart.
Is this your first book?
This is my first book that is published. But I have three other books
that have almost been bought by publishers over the last 5 years. A tween paranormal, a teen nonfiction cyber guide, and a
MG fairy book. I think I do better in YA though.
What are your upcoming projects?
A special edition is coming on ebook in Jan/Feb with the original ending.
Book 2 should be done by summer 2012. After that, we will see. I have a SEKRIT
project I'd love to get an agent for but that wont be until fall of next year.
Are there a certain genera you prefer to write in?
Young adult. My voice seems to come natural at 15 or 16. I prefer
contemporary books. I can’t do paranormal or fantasy well. I also prefer
suspense and thrillers. For some reason I cant seem to write a book without
someone trying to get my MC.
Do you prefer writing on your computer or a notepad?
What is a notebook? :) Computer definitely.
would you describe your main character, Grace, as a character?
Grace is independent,
caring but awkward. She connects with nature more than she does with people.
She’s a total introvert and would be happy alone for days at a time.
I will say she is
impulsive and annoyingly reckless. Exactly like I was as a teen. I didn’t think
about the effects of any cause. I didn’t think of consequences, I just did dumb
stuff and got lucky. That is Grace. She acts and then thinks.
But no matter what she
does, her heart is always in the right place.
Can you see yourself in any
of your characters?
see pieces of myself in all my characters.
What's one piece of advice
you would give aspiring authors?
give up and go with your gut!
Anything else you want people to know about you or your book?
Give it a try. I know it is not dystopic or fantasy but I think you will not only stay up late reading it but you will walk away forever changed. I hope.
And for a final, random, question. If you were stranded on a
desert island what 3 things would you want with you?
food and water - books, laptop (with great wireless plan), and picture of
And there you have it! Thank you so much for stopping by today, Shelli!
16 year old Grace was reared in the wilderness. Her first pet was a bear named Simon. Her first potty, an oak tree. And, her first swing, a forest vine. Grace has lived in the Smokies her whole life, patrolling with her forest ranger father who taught her everything he knew about wildlife, tracking, and wilderness survival. But when Grace's dad goes missing on a routine patrol, unlike everyone in her sleepy mountain town, she refuses to believe he’s dead. When a Cheetos bag and stolen government file materialize, Grace is convinced she’s one step closer to proving all the non-believers wrong.
Then one day while out tracking clues, Grace is rescued from imminent danger by Mo, a hot guy with an intoxicating accent, that’s definitely not from her neck of the woods, and a secret. Grace has never felt a connection like this before, certainly not with her ex-boyfriend, the adoring, but decidedly unrugged Wyn.
Now with renewed confidence, Grace travels deeper into the wilderness that has always been her refuge only to learn that her father's disappearance is not a mere coincidence. Soon she’s enmeshed in a web of conspiracy, deception, and murder. And it’s going to take a lot more than a compass and a motorcycle (named Lucifer) for this kickass heroine to emerge from an epidemic that’s spreading like wild fire, threatening everything and everyone she’s ever loved.