Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while... as I've mentioned too many times already, I've just been so busy with NaNoWriMo and editing that I've hardly had time for anything else! I promise that once November is over I'll try to post more regularly and I'll definitely be blog-hopping more often.

Okay, so in NaNoWriMo, I'm at 33,062 words meaning I'm 3,062 words behind... and I'm not really sure what to do. I've still got a ton of editing to finish and I know I could get to 50,000 words if I worked through Thanksgiving. But, we're having family over, so I can't be working then.

Secondly, I know where the story is going, but I'm not entirely sure how to get there. Already, I'm seeing things that I've written wrong and that I have to change. I think the romantic tension is moving much too fast, and I have no idea how to slow it down! And at this pace, there might be a train wreck soon.

Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving everyone (and a great end-of-November, just in CASE I don't post until then)!



fairbetty said...

Hey! You can still do this, ya know? Nano is all about word count. You just need to grab a scene in your mind and write like the wind! Write the train wreck and then write the fix! Nothing's set in stone, so you can write a scene and then rewrite it a different way and it all counts for NaNo! And turn off that internal editor. Don't delete or "alter" anything you've already written until December 1st :) I know it's tempting, but it can hamper your word count too. Write write write, Jess!

That said, 33,000+ words is nothing to sneeze at and even if you don't write another sentence you should be proud of what you've accomplished.

prerna pickett said...

keep going!

Cortney Pearson said...

You're so close!!

Reiko said...

Jessica, you have such wonderful followers! Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving! We have to watch together a movie called, "Jane Eyre." (Grandpa checked it out from the library for us.) It has plots that keep you hooked throughout the entire movie. I think you'll find out why it is one of the most popular stories ever told. It just might give you some ideas for your story, too, I hope! I love you to infinity!!

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